避免惡意人士竊取或竄改重要資料,Google 宣布若網站上沒裝 SSL ,會在網址列上出現警示符號與不安全字樣,表示這個網站不安全。
免費的網頁設計媒合服務,快速幫您找到適合的網站設計師。我們也有提供 C/P 值高的行銷工具,讓您的產品主動出現在目標客群前,提高成交率。
匯智以專案團隊模式提供客製化服務,無論您的服務是新開始或想要移轉,在這裡都能體驗匯智透過「高度彈性且全方位的 IT 規劃,可靈活擴展或節約的雲端資源、無縫接軌不需停機的轉移服務」,為您來的強大效益,讓您的事業以最低成本迅速上路。
Cloudmax was formed in 1999 and we our focus have always been on providing small and medium enterprises in Taiwan with the high-quality service they need. By drawing upon our extensive experience in and understanding of consumer behavior, we provide small and medium enterprises with the best networking solutions and consulting services. We are always ready to help you solve the various issues you may encounter in your online business.
The Internet is growing and changing at a rapid pace. Cloudmax operates around-the-clock and we have now clocked up more than 175,200 hours in support of our customers. We are glad to be still in the business and we will continue to work closely with our partners and customers in the ever-changing online world to write another 20 years of business success.
Cloudmax is one big family made up of creative people from all walks of life who share the passion for the Internet. In addition to providing web hosting services that underpin the development of the Internet, we also take an interest in public welfare and leverage our IT expertise to give back to society. We strive to promote the positive, caring and sustainable development of Taiwanese society.
We lead the rest of the industry in all the service indicators of the web hosting industry.
A variety of services are available for online businesses to ensure that customers have all the support they need for the online market.
We focus on the small and medium enterprise market in Taiwan, and have accumulated an extensive body of industry experience through serving more than 100,000 customers.
We work with well-known international online companies to strengthen our business capabilities and expand our services in the Greater China online market.
High-quality service is delivered through a teamwork model where team member is always at their post.
The Cloudmax customer support center is open 24 hours a day to provide you with un-interrupted service at all times.
我們致力於提供中小企業最佳的網路解決方案,擁有 20 年以上豐富的產業經驗及服務超過十萬名客戶,我們了解您的需求及消費者的行為,讓我們成為您事業上的最佳助力。